The show was amazing!! For a 40-something soccer Mom to come away feeling like her 22-year old former self, that is a fountain of youth that you just can't bottle...even in a 32-oz souvenir cup. I went to the show 3 times over the course of the one week I was in Vegas on business. Did I do it because there was nothing else to do in Vegas? Nope...plenty of other things I could have been doing. I went 3 times because there was nothing else I would rather have been doing in Vegas!!! I only said Saturday was the best night because the crowd was the most enthusiastic that night. It's funny to see people start out in the audience so serene, sitting in their seats, listening to My Generation and Hotel California, and then to be drawn to their feet and throw their grown-up restraint aside and bang their heads as if they still have their 80's big hair flowing. If you think you have self-control, then I dare you to go to this show. These guys will will you out of your seat and you'll be banging your head and wishing you had a lighter in the first 15 minutes. This isn't some cover band. These are THE GUYS, from THE BANDS that we stood in long lines to buy tickets for back in the day, and they are doing covers of some of the best songs ever! How to pick which songs go in the vault? So hard to do. But, I think they nailed it!!