I strip down and shower. I queue up some binaural beats on my phone and plug it in. I step into the silky fluid that envelopes my ankles. I turn around, close the pod and lay down in the salty solution, allowing it to caress my body. I turn off the soft glow of blue and am now in complete blackness. I lay my head back and the binaural elixir of sound enters my brain through the water melodically reducing my waves to that of theta quicker than I could have on my own. I find it impossible to sink as I relax into a complete surrender of suspension. I haven't felt this safe since the womb. Over the past two years I have developed the ability to never experience the feeling of boredom. I relish in the opportunity to be alone and in complete stillness. This experience is the epitome of stillness and serenity. I could hear the background frequencies in my phone creating the sounds. After about 30 minutes, my binaural beats fade and I am now experiencing complete and utter silence, other than my breath, heart beat and bubbles traveling throughout my body. I am seeing multidimensional patterns of light in the form of complex geometry. At times I can't tell if I'm laying down or standing up. I feel as though I am engulfed in the matrix of love and am floating effortlessly in the ether of the universe. I see stars. Every slight movement I make feels exaggerated and my sense of time is fleeting. I am in a pure state of relaxed bliss. I laugh several times as a reaction to a total sense of peace. I am grateful, it is the feeling of beauty. I could have stayed here all night. The lights come on and the filters kick in signaling my time to exit the pod. I have a difficult time standing as my sense of balance and gravity are eluding me. As I showered I felt myself swaying with the cosmos. Unbelievable. One of the most profound experiences ever. If I owned a pod, I would start and end my day with this practice. I highly recommend this to everyone. In fact, if we had as many of these faculties as there are superficial tanning salons, the world would most certainly be a better place. Thank you.