| - DO NOT BOARD YOUR DOGS HERE!!!!! I boarded my dogs for 3-4 days while I was out of town. When I came to pick them up, I was HORRIFIED!!! My older dog had her tummy & all 4 paws soaking wet, which I thought was very odd. I would soon find out that she had her own urine-soaked poo WEDGED in between her toes and she smelled TERRIBLE! They obviously never even took her outside at all to use the bathroom! My poor baby was stuck in a cage standing/sleeping in her own urine and poo for DAYS! Apparently they had rinsed her off right before handing her over to me, that's why her tummy & paws were wet! Absolutely DISGUSTED w this place!! But, it gets worse....
My younger, highly energetic dog, was barley able to walk out on his own. I immediately picked him up and asked the girls what was wrong with him?!? They said he was "tired" and had just woken up. I told them he's never acted like this in his entire life, and they just shoulder shrugged at me and walked away!! I ran out of that place as fast as I could to take my babies home. My younger baby went straight to sleep once we were home, and slept for 2 days straight! Getting up only to go potty and eat/drink a little. He always barks at his friend next-door, except now his bark/voice was GONE, all that came out was a little squeak!!! :( I was panicked and took him to another vet to see what was wrong. They told me he had been heavily sedated and should be ok soon... SEDATED?!?!?!?!? Are you kidding me?!?! And they told me his voice was just overused, probably from barking for 3-4 days straight just begging for attention, or to go potty, while being stuck in that cage all day long at the vet! As I said, my dog is hyper, so they must have been sick of him and sedated him so they didn't have to take him out of his cage or hear him bark anymore!!! HOW CAN ANY HUMAN W A HEART DO ANY OF THIS TO MY 2 PRECIOUS BABIES?!?!
I've been going here for YEARS. Usually have okay experiences.. Normal everyday things, such as vaccinations etc, are fine and have never been a problem. But please please please please please don't have your pets boarded here!!!!!