| - I did not get to see Dr. Rubenzik for an hour and ten minutes, and let her know when I did get in the room with her that it was far too long to wait. Her immediate response was "do you want to leave now?", which was a ridiculous reaction, given I was already in her exam room. She also offered to let another doctor see me, and told me she could give me the name of another doctor in her practice to see in the future. I have been with her for 3-4 years. She didn't apologize, but seemed to be very unhappy that I told her of my frustration at having to wait so long. Apparently, patients are expected to be on time for their appointments, but doctors don't feel they need to be on time. She conducted her normal quick exam, and found several pre-cancerous spots on my face which she froze. She was obviously peeved at getting feedback from a lowly customer. I delivered my frustration in a very professional manner, in a low voice, without showing any anger, just honest, professional feedback to her.
Bob M.