I had a great interaction with Dr. Jennifer Smith a few years ago in that she was exceptionally warm and positive. (My condition was not healed until later when I pursued dietary and lifestyle changes recommended by other practitioners, but I believe she did her best coming from the allopathic model in which she was trained).
My issue is that over the past few years I have received repeated texts, emails and calls urging me to get a flu shot and schedule a physical with them. I realize this is common practice for doctors' offices, but should it be? It felt unethical and a little disturbing. While I can appreciate that MVFP is a for-profit business, I would hope the doctors there (and all doctors) would view themselves as service-oriented healers focused on "first doing no harm" rather than marketing professionals soliciting me for money.
I make appointments with doctor's offices if and when I become ill and believe they can effectively help me. I don't do so regularly as a way to help them meet their metrics.