| - I have to begin by saying thank you. Thank you, Dr. Rothman, for your flawless operation that has granted me 20/15 vision and thank you to the staff that has helped me along the way.
Background story: I've always known that I wanted to get LASIK. I was tired of being inhibited by my glasses and not being able to swim or be out for long stretches of time because of my contacts. I had about a -7.75 vision on both eyes with slight astigmatism and it definitely felt like forever waiting for my vision to stabilize for a few years. What does -7.75 feel like? It means I am absolutely near-sighted and my room would be a blur when I wake up until I put on my glasses.
That's why I had to start with a thank you. It is simply amazing waking up every, single day and just being able to SEE!
Over the years I did my research about the different methods there were to getting LASIK done and after my consultation with Maria, I chose to receive the Premium All-Laser LASIK package. The package I chose has a down time of ONE day, includes collagen plugs into your tear ducts in case your eyes constantly dry out after the procedure, and a 3-year assurance plan that if my vision started slipping, they would operate again for free.
Bonus: if my review referred you here then definitely let them know because YOU get a small discount even though someone else is referring you there.
They did a lot of tests on me to make sure that I was a good candidate to receive that specific Lasik treatment, which I appreciated. We made sure that I had nice, thick corneas, did more tests, and even tested my tear production rate! I definitely liked how thorough they were being with little ol me.
On the magic morning of January 12th, 2013, I was ready! On operating day, they place you and other people who will also be receiving the treatment in a room together. We were provided with ibuprofen to help relax us before our procedure. Dr. Rothman came in and formally introduced himself to everyone. He discussed with all of us how our tests turned out, how our procedures would be like, and what to expect.
When it came to be my turn.. Laying on the table and staring up at the laser was definitely nerve-wracking. His staff will numb your eyes and then use a device to keep them open (so you don't blink) while he operates. Dr. Rothman shortly came in, gave me a cute, little stuffed caterpillar to hold onto and we began.
Getting LASIK, at least the all-laser one is kind of a breeze. Your world, as you can see it, definitely gets blurry and your main focus is to stare straight into the green light. There were a few times where I wasn't looking straight at it (I didn't know) and Dr. Rothman remained very patient with me and talked me through the procedure. Afterwards, the world appeared as if I was looking at it underwater and then I was driven home so I could sleep. When the drops wear off, it does feel uncomfortable so better take something that can knock you out. I woke up with my vision definitely better, but still blurry. After sleeping again and waking up the next morning.. My vision was perfect! I was driven to my day-after checkup where I met Dr. Rouweyha and he checked to see if everything was in the clear.
For the next month or so, I took all of my medicated eye drops and eye lubricants at the right times they set for me and was very good about wearing my sleeping mask.
My optometrist Dr. C has been nothing short of amazing! I always look forward to my checkups with her and chatting. There was a day after checkup, with Dr. Rouweyha, and then my checkups with Dr. C were booked one month, 3 months, 6 months, and one year out. I just completed my one year with her and happy to report that my vision still remains 20/15 :)
I absolutely cannot recommend this place enough if you are considering/want LASIK!