Since having legit Mexican food in CA over Thanksgiving weekend (Taqueria de Anda), I have been wishing for a place that good here...I finally found it.
I feel that I'm pretty simple when it comes to Mexican food. The two things that matter most to me are the beans and tortillas. I personally feel that the tortilla will make or break the burrito.
The moment I opened the package I knew I made the right choice. My burrito looked like a perfect pillow filled of beans, rice, and cheese. The flavors were on point -no salsa needed. The beans reminded me of my great grandma's, the rice was fluffy orange, and the tortilla was homemade.
I know lots of people douse their food in sauces, but I do not. However, next time I look forward to trying their salsa bar with tacos. In addition to salsa, they have spicy carrots and onions for added flavor.
Until next time -thank you for fulfilling my beans, rice, and cheese burrito dreams.