| - I packed pretty light, figuring I'd do some shopping with my bro while in Vegas and pick up some new clothes for our Saturday night adventures. We've wound up with pretty similar tastes, edging somewhere between rockstar and metro, and we had a blast hunting for finds in a thrift store in Santa Cruz a while back.
After dinner we split from the rest of the guys for an hour and hit the Mandalay Place shopping strip, located in the underground walkway between Luxor and Mandalay Bay. The first store we came to was Metropark; we made the obligatory metrosexual references and headed in. This place had a spot set up for a DJ to mix, though there wasn't anyone manning the table. Loud music and video screens, and a lot of pretty cool threads. I found a rack of shirts, including a favorite brand of mine, Roar. Good stuff, me like. A sales gal named Ty came up and helped me look for stuff, as well as set up a dressing room for me while I looked. Real cool. She was excited to hear about Seattle, peppered me with questions, apparently thinking of coming up here. Mike told her she belonged in SF. Either way, she'd be escaping the 108 degree heat. Seriously. WTF.
I'm in the process of dropping weight like crazy, so shopping for expensive clothes is dangerous. My bro found a pretty cool shirt he wanted me to pick up; they didn't have my size, and was a bit tight, but we agreed that I'll probably fit into it by the end of the summer and it will make a good goal to look forward to. I also grabbed a light blue Roar shirt that immediately made my eyes change color. Me like. Wait, I said that already. Well, hey, I'm a fan of recycling.
Both shirts were on sale. Very nice. I wish they had more selection in larger sizes. The one I really wanted was only a small, and I'm 6'1 with broad shoulders. No fricken way I'll ever fit in a small.
I also picked up a new belt buckle, looking forward to sporting that sucker. Big, shiny, metal. Sweet.