| - Bagels!!!! Delicious Bagels!!
The Bagel Factory is one of my favorite nom-related establishments in my neighborhood. We don't get bagels from there often (we have to walk a whoooole block and a half to get there....we're lazy) but I suspect as summer approaches and warm weather inspires me to walk around the neighborhood, it'll happen.
Their bagels are so delightful. Fresh, delicious smelling and tasting, and they know how to properly season an everything bagel. Those bagels should not just be everything, but EVERYWHERE. I would like my poppy seeds, onion, and sesame seeds on the top AND the bottom of said bagel. Otherwise one half is amazing and one half is essentially plain. Bagel Factory understands this.
So I went there for breakfast for the first time about a week ago, and ordered matzah brie, for fun. I make it myself, but I thought I'd try their version. So I order it, and the dude behind the counter is like "and what kind of bagel would you like?" and I'm all "Does not compute...." and he's like "it comes with a bagel."
Matzah comes with a bagel? Carbs + carbs = breakfast? Okay!
So I got an everything bagel with cream cheese, and fried matzah (which had yummy onions in it). A really weird breakfast, and I was sort of craving like...fruit or something....but all the components were delicious. Oh and I had a chai tea. Also tasty. Hard not to be.
I'd definitely come back here for more brunches, but I think I'd just get a bagel sandwich of some sort, to avoid the carb+carb confusion.
Also, do you know how hard it is to walk past that Ben and Jerry's counter? Even at like, 10 am on a Sunday? In winter? Holy moly. Too much tastiness in one place. If the Bagel Factory ever implodes, we will know why. Ice cream and perfect bagels under one roof may be too much for the structural integrity of the building to handle.