As someone who drinks Whiskey like water, nothing makes me fuzzier on the inside than walking into this place, looking at the shelf and being proud to be an alcoholic. Quite possibly the BEST selection/price ratio I've come across yet.
The selection isn't the only factor you need to take into the equation when finding your ideal beverage spot. It's also the person who's hands you trust that sweet ass drink of yours in. There are no bartenders here. Only artists. Pour extraordinaires. This isn't a place to just drink, this is a place to experience a fantastic turn of events to your day.
That's just the tip of the iceburg. Though they take pride in their selection of Whiskey/Whisky, they are also talented in the craft of one of my favorite/rarest drinks out there. The Gibson.
They aren't only talented, they are educated. They know what they are doing and why they are doing it. For you. For a better drink. A better experience.
Tater is to blame for this review. For there won't be any other bar in town I visit for a cocktail now except this one.
Get the Wondermint Fizz while it lasts. You won't be sorry.
(Best intoxicated typing ever)