1. Cool sculpting: 2 treatments of 6 areas (4 at abdomen, 2 love handles)... result is ok, maybe it's my body. I don't recommend it... you might as well suck it up and spend the money on liposuction... (I was consulted a 60% reduction of belly fat... but 6 months after the last treatment, I was told that an observable 50% reduction, I was recommended a third run... I didn't go for it)
2. Velashape: need more than 6 treatments to see decent results (maybe it's my crazy cellulites)
3. Underarm laser hair removal... 8 treatments are not enough... probably my type of hair
4. Brazilian... (in the process).... will update
Staffs are ok-to-great depended on who you're seeing. Some spend more time and are more thorough compared to others... one gal here I have repeatedly done swiftly services on me everytime