Husband and I walked this trail with our dogs this morning around 7:30 AM. It started out coolish warm for a Vegas day, but as we walked it definitely got warmer.
This trail is part of a section of trails in Henderson. It runs the length of St. Rose Parkway from The M to Eastern, I believe. My husband and I did not make it that far. Our black lab was seriously hating the heat by the time we got to mile marker 2. He was running for what little shade could afford him. Luckily we brought plenty of water for us and the dogs because although there are poop-bag stations there are no water stations/bathrooms along the way. At least not in the part we walked.
Although I like the trail being paved, it's best for cyclists and not really just walkers with their dogs. It's kind of boring, you get a really great view of the cars on St. Rose, but not much else. I mean the mountains to the right and the Henderson Airport are kind of cool to check out, but it is from a very, very far distance.
As for a walking trail I'm gonna say A-OK for this one. It would definitely be better had I been on my bike. If I had been biking this one it would have probably been a 4-star. BUT since the trail SEEMS to try and be walker/dog friendly I gotta rate it equally fair for both and that's why I gotta go with just the three stars.