Can't beat the price and selection here at Ikea! I finally got a chance to try their breakfast menu and I like it! You grab a little shopping cart where the sign says "Line Starts Here", you grab a plastics cafeteria tray, out it on your cart and then go down the line. Mini desserts start first! Lol. They got that order down right in my opinion! I got the Swedish American Breakfast for $2 and if you have a Family Ikea card ( which is like their loyalty card) you get a free cup of coffee. Joy! I also got a Berry Cream Cake for $1.50. It's cafeteria food, but better than fast food. I really enjoyed it though. I read some other reviews that true food got a little cold because sometimes the line was long, but I spotted a microwave by where the line starts if you really wanted to hear something up. Perfect for a casual Sunday galavanting around town and refueling up at Ikea.