This place has changed hands and I don't know if that has anything to do with what we experienced tonight, but there is no justified sensible reason for it. The Bartender tonight Wednesday Night had such a bad attitude I don't feel that she is qualified to work with the public at all. The minute we sat down at the bar she ignored us from the start. It seemed to me that she is some kind of Judgemental Petty person that will treat people any way she feels like on any day according to her mood like way too many people these days that have lost touch with the people that pay their way. The nice girl that was with me is having surgery tomorrow and we just wanted to have a night cap, blow off some steam and sing a song or two and prepare ourselves for a very traumatic day tomorrow. Well so much for having a little fun before hand. We just finished what we had and left without even singing one song. I guess that makes us collateral damage for a person lost and unhappy. As long as this person is working there my hard earned money from my loyal customers will be spent anywhere else.