| - To condense a terribly long story, my husband and I went to Sands Chevy to try and trade in our two cars for one truck on the 19th of September. We were there a total of 8 hours getting everything done, and signed all of the paperwork, bought GAP insurance, even purchased new coverage from allstate. They handed us the keys to a brand new Chevy Silverado with lower overall payments than we were making and we were extremely happy. We were able to start reworking our finances, open a savings account, and get ready for this baby due in november because we were going to be saving much more on a monthly basis. No hint was ever made that something might go wrong, or that we might not get approved.
17 days later, I started to get curious as to why our cars had not been paid off. We had not received anything in the mail about a lender. So I decided to call the dealership. After two hours of waiting for a phone call, I finally talked to a guy named Paul, a sales manager. He told me that there was no lender willing to finance us and that our only choice was to return the truck immediately. I asked him why it took 17 days for me to find out about this and all he kept saying was "it wasn't a lack of effort on our end."
I called my husband out of work to help me deal with this suddenly urgent situation and luckily his first sergeant allowed him to leave. We tried to find every loophole we could, tried to get answers but we were left with no choice but to return the truck. When we arrived, Paul was there, but he absolutely refused to speak with us. I stood in the middle of the showroom floor in tears, angry and confused. For two hours we waited for them to get our cars pulled around. Two. Hours. When we finally got the keys back they wouldn't even put enough gas in my husbands car to get home. They said it wasn't their problem. I asked for Paul to come talk to us, but he said he was done with us and made his employees shoo us away like we were worthless.
I called corporate, we have hired a lawyer. We are still trying to get more answers, but no one at the dealership will give me the time of day. We desperately needed this to work out because of our financial situation. The fact that they seemed to care so little about how hurt we were is a real testament to how they really view customers. Don't let them fool you into thinking they are there to help because they are not. They were a waste of time and money. I know that Buzz Sands would never want his dealership run this way. If you buy here make SURE you have a lender approved before you even step out the door with those keys.