| - I met with Sheila almost two weeks prior to our event (which is today) to map out the space. I couldn't find my checkbook so I paid her a 225.00 deposit via Venmo for her and one other face painter. Come three days ago, she is emailing me, asking me for $225.00. I was confused, I thought maybe my payment didn't go through, but she was in fact trying to get me to pay her IN FULL before she even arrived to my event. I called her, quite upset I admit, asking why she was asking me to pay her more money before she even arrived. I should have known better, there's no way I'm going to see that deposit again, I am out $225 big ones, and she won't return my deposit. Seems like she double booked and is trying to get out of her commitment.
On another note, she continually tried to get me to include her on the Evite...In my mind she was trying to promote herself to my friends at a private event (as an invitee, you can comment to people who have rsvp'd, great way to put her web address in there)...She also wanted me to post on FB that I had hired her. CRAZY LADY, no way...Take your 225, and explain to your coworker why you missed out on the event today, plus tips.