| - Been in this apartment complex for 11 years and boy have things changed. When I first moved in it was decent but boy how things change. There was a time when things would get done if you put in a request, now it takes weeks. We put in a request for 2 light bulbs that took almost 3 weeks and constant request to the office, and when we did get the bulbs, they were bad! We have just stopped asking! The bathroom light has been broken for the longest time and we don't even want to ask because we know how long it will take. To top it off the crime has grown bad. My car was vandalized and because the company does not want to invest in any night security or any security cameras the cops basically said you are out of luck. If you like peace and quiet this is not the place to come. The walls are paper thin and you can hear everything. The pool hours say from 9am to 10pm but people have full blown parties every hour of the night. I asked the manager if he could respectfully close the pool at 10 and he said just call the police! (Way to manage your complex!) Gun shots in the pool blew the neighbors Arcadia door out, woke us all up, and they wonder why I requested they lock the pool?! If you have children this is not the place for them. They leave the pool gate open consistently of which I have to constantly shut it so no little ones wander in. The apartments are infested. In one apartment I had bed bugs, so I moved out of that one and now have roaches. If you like a police helicopter flying over you every night, if you like rent being raised on you every year, with no improvement for your apartment, if you like strange and hidden fees, non trustworthy leases, if you like old cabinets and appliances, and if you like being kept awake every night, especially when you have to get up for work in the morning, This place is for you! Sorry to the previous management but things have changed! Thank God we are leaving next month!