| - The first thing you notice when you walk in the dining room door is that the floor is filthy everywhere you look. With the dining room trashcans filled to overflowing, I was resolved not to check the restroom! The noise is so loud that it's virtually impossible to hear the cashier, but with the rude way the manager on duty was talking to the employees I wasn't anxious to hear anything else once we got our order in.
We sat down to wait for our order to be filled and I realized that they were preparing sandwiches and fried potatoes (of several types) over greatly overflowing garbage cans!! I can see if they get busy that the dining room cans might suffer for attention for a minute, but if you're endangering my food by stuffing it into a bag while holding the bag over a can literally flowing over with food garbage then I have to wonder at the standards of this place. What puzzles me is why there was an OPEN trashcan piled up so high right at the sandwich prep area AND the potato station - why have trash right where you are putting folks' food into bags? I'd bet the folks who have only ever come thru the drive lane didn't know their food was being prepped in a virtual garbage dump, and that's why WE didn't use the drive thru!!!
The back door had over-full trash bags piled up waist high, and the flattened (and unflattened) cardboard boxes piled up over those served to cover more than half the floor in the storage room (at the back of the kitchen). If anyone had to use that door to get out in the event of a fire, they would have to wade through 4 feet of trash and garbage just to get to the danged door - how safe can it be???
For a new location, they've really set a low standard. We've been in twice, and will not go back. In fact, this time we made a point of going to the dining get room because the last time we were here it was similarly dirty and neither of us fancied having our food made in a place whose standards of cleanliness are clearly not what they are supposed to be. Given that there has been absolutely ZERO improvement, we won't return. If I wanted food prepared in such a garbage-laden environment....well.....I've never been in a *restaurant* so dirty, so I can't even make a comparison. Suffice to say, if the health inspector had showed up while we were there they would have CLOSED THE DOORS.
Having staff so surly and rude doesn't help either, and it's downright embarrassing to have to listen to a manager call out an employee for doing exactly what they've been taught to do. The woman who was the manager on duty today wasn't shy about addressing the other workers as subordinates, and their responses to being asked to do things that they should *know* to do (like emptying the trash, for pet's sake!) doesn't speak well for their pride in their job. The last time we came in the whole lot stopped to turn and watch every customer come in, including us. This time, the music was very loud and they didn't slow down long enough to even speak, much less be polite (or anything else). Not a very welcoming place, no matter how you cut it.
Arby's is our favorite fast food, but not at THIS location! We will continue to go out of our way to Pineville, Lancaster, or even uptown Charlotte before we will patronize this place again. I'm so flabbergasted by the filth that I can't even see straight - I have NEVER been in a fast food place that was this carelessly kept and that hadn't changed an iota from what it was the last time we came here, over a month ago. The staff hasn't improved, either, so I guess the quality of the staff sorta matches the cleanliness of the store, sad as I am to say it. This is a good location, and Arby's has a great menu, too; too bad that's the only generalized reputation this location can maintain because it certainly doesn't meet the standards of any other Arby's I've ever been in!