I like this location because it's close to work and truthfully, I never tried it until last year because all along I've been a fan of the other pizza guys. But then one day out of curiosity I went in to try a slice and have been hooked ever since.
For $4.10, you get a really big slice of pizza. It's about the size of two of the regular pizza slices you get down the street. It's also the same price for all the varieties and they sure have a lot of varieties. I'm always holding up the line trying to decide what to get. The Hawaiian and the one with two types of olives is really good but I can't remember the name of it right now.
Here's how I break down the rating.
Value 4
Taste 4 depends which one you get
Fresh 4 if you go at lunch, they have fresh out of the oven pizzas due to high turnover
Service 2-5 depends on who is behind the counter. One guy was super friendly and the other was not at all and just stood idly and didn't both to help even though there was a line forming and asked for my order multiple times before he rang me in.
Cleanliness 3 again this depends on who is working behind the counter. I have noticed them putting the pizza cutter right by the counter where they put the money... eeeek