Worst tow truck company ever! Thieves and strange activities all around. If you're unlucky enough to have park your car in an area where these people are staked out waiting for you to leave your car for a few minutes, I'm sorry. I will take full responsibility for parking in an unauthorized area although the sign was nowhere visible. Once the car was towed and we went to pick it up the next day we were met with disrespectful customer service representatives who could barely speak proper English. In fact, one even said she could careless what happens since she was off a few minutes after we arrived! Once I finally received the keys to my car after much attitude I walked to the lot. Upon getting closer to my car I noticed some man was in the vehicle and quickly shut the door and ran off. I couldn't see what they were carrying or if they were an employee but was in complete shock. Upon getting into the car the center console was disheveled and items were thrown everywhere. My boyfriend proceeded to chase the guy who then jumped in a car and exited the lot. We followed him exchanging words until he pulled a gun on us! I don't know for sure if this was an employee of the place but I'd imagine they are all working in cahoots from the time you park your car illegally to the time you pick it up. I thought that was the end of it however upon returning home I realized that I had put my new gift (Alexa Echo) in the back seat that morning. Once I got home I realized it was gone! Called the office and received a nonchalant answer that I can come fill out an incident report. I'm tow companies don't have to jump through hoops to obtain licenses to conduct business and they could be corrupt as they want and still collect because you need your car. Just be careful and keep your eyes out. Pick up the car as soon as possible!!