| - Shame on the Cosmopolitan Hotel for overselling the Adele concert last Saturday (August 20th) that it ALMOST ruined the experience of Adele.
I had a General Admission ticket for a concert where doors opened at 8:30. I arrived at 5 PM and waited in line for hours so that I could have a chance of having a prime spot- front and center. Little did I know that "VIP tickets" were sold giving holders access to that prime spot. If I would have known those were available, I would have shelled the extra money because I don't like to wait in line for hours on end. We were let in at 8 PM and I, along with other cray Adele fans, ran to find my perfect spot. I was about 3 rows of people back. Not bad. And I had a great view in between the heads of 2 tall people in front of me.
But once it started to fill up, claustrophobia began to set in. We were packed tighter than a can of sardines. But, what made it worse was the fact that there were "VIP ticket holders" who had just arrived and there was no space left in front of the stage. Security actually tried to tell us to take 2 steps back. Are you kidding me?!?!?! It's a million degrees, we are sweating, and packed so tight- where do you expect us to move? I closed my eyes and TRIED to take deep breaths because fresh air was limited at my low altitude level- while being pushed and shoved left and right, front and back.
I had to keep telling myself it would be all worth it once Adele performed. And it was.... for a while at least. Adele was amazing when she finally came on at 10:30 PM. So after standing (since 5 PM), I almost passed out 45 minutes into Adele's set and just had to get out of there. Unfortunately, it took me FOREVER to get to the exit door to get fresh air because it was so crammed in there. A definite FIRE HAZARD. In fact, a few people had to leave because they were feeling faint. When I finally got out, I knew that it would be a b*tch to get back in so I left early instead. (At least i was able to avoid the flood of people exiting). I have learned my lesson- NEVER AGAIN will I purchase a General Admission ticket at the Chelsea. I'll pay for the bleacher seats and bring binoculars instead.