| - Cleveland Bucket List no. 4: Map Room chyeeeeck!
Three stars for the beer list, maybe three and a half. Two stars for the service. Five stars for the space (except for the bathroom - upgrade!). Lemme 'splain.
Thursday night, post -Yelp Science Fair: a small group wandered in and it was loud. Not "turn it down, I'm old" loud but "WHAT?" loud in a cavernous room filled with only maybe 10 people including staff. They did turn it down without stink eye, which was nice. Beer list was good, better than most, but not what I had built up in my head (which is, I admit, a beer nerd).
Biggest offense of the night?
Me to bartender: "Can you recommend a nice Belgian?" (I'd just had an Ommegang 'Rare Vos' - $6 for a 12oz bottle, yeeouch but friggin delish)
Bartender: "Um... We have Blue Moon...?"
Me: *indignant blink* "I'll have another Rare Vos"
Annoyed beer snob is annoyed.
Sigh... I get it. You are where you are, Map Room. You need cute eye candy to bring in the dudes. But you know, if you have a beer list that goes beyond Coors, Miller and Bud, invest a little bit of time in training your staff about which beers are what. For every 10 people who drink Lite you might actually get a person that knows something about decent beer and just as quickly lose them by hiring staff that thinks Blue Moon is a recommendation for a Belgian beer.
This is Habby's review to give since she ordered it, but folks rave about the pizza - the one she received looked like a Tombstone I cooked when I was 13 and didn't realize our oven ran 50 degrees too hot.
Not impressed, Map Room. I don't hate you, but when and if I return I'll consider my expectations steeply recalibrated.