ok the stars are for the cheese cake, it is really good i believe it was called upside down cheesecake..? yummy!.. cheese cake the only thing u need to go here for. Unless you starving, they give huge portions of dinner food, so be wary of what u get. I can say I would go back for a peach bellini! yummy!
what brought me to right this review is the Bad food service, the waitresses and waiters were to busy, i'd say flirting, with each other. luckily we had a older respectable waitress. the food, how to put this.. the veggies looked great but tasted like charcoal! upon further inspection of " where is that burnt smell coming from" "is it your food" (snif snif) nope... bam it was the veggies that are served in a lil black tray. they were hard and so black on the bottom and gooey, some sort of morphing thing happening, a unbearable smell came out after moving the veggies around! its all we could smell. haven't been back since. so just smell your food upon arrival.