With very few choices for domestic air travel when flying frequently, I am currently switching from Delta to AA. So regretfully, my first review is more a warning since delays and many of the poor experiences cannot be avoided, but fortunately this one can.
Andrea Scott, the African American gentlemen with a girl's name (possible explanation???) is certainly one to be avoided as the power seems to have directly surpassed the head on the way to top of the ego. I was walked off a plane leaving Las Vegas with the verbatim threat, "I can make sure you can never fly in this country."
Considering I am platinum on both delta and American and flew over 100 legs this year, it seems far fetched, but better to never find out what sort of "power" this gentleman may actually possess.
The only saving grace was the other gate agents were helpful in the process and I will still spend the holidays in a beach while Mr. Scott does his best to make the holidays a tedious, tumultuous affair.