| - Be very careful at this location, Leadership reflects the way a store is run, I had a situation with a shopping cart hitting my car and leaving a ding, so I went inside and asked how I can see there surveillance video so I have a chance to get a description of the car that did it and if I can't well I guess il get the ding fixed myself. I ended up speaking with the Manager bill, older man red bearded a little on the bald side, didn't have a name tag or anything, so I explained the situation to him, and he proceeded to tell me they didn't have cameras and that's when I pointed out the one outside and he said oh that one only points one way, And I said ok so how do you usually handle concerns like this. The gentleman with him said this is Private property nothing's going to be done about it. I said well can I get a report or something or do I get a police report, the gentleman with him said his girlfriend is an insurance agent and they won't cover it. First of all you don't know my coverage so how do you know if my insurance will cover it or not. 2ndly after speaking with corporate they are suppose to take an incident report when situation like this arise so that they can address any such concerns. Now I wasn't pointing fingers or placing blame I was just looking to get a report or anything in case I need it for my insurance, Well Bill and his associate laughed at me, in front of the store by the way and said good luck with that. Like I said leadership defines how a store is run and if that's your Manager laughing at a concern costumer then I can only imagine the things that go on behind the scenes at this location that we as customers cannot see.