scored a TZ deal and corralled 2 of my GF to join me in Vegas. A much needed break as it has been 105 degrees outside. This spa is in the Palms Place not the main hotel, so it was a short walk to the building. Once we were registered and changed, our attendants were waiting for us and escorted to very large and spacious rooms with showers. Megan did my body scrub and massage all in one room. nice suagr scrub all over, smelled a little like bubble gum...i was drifting off to my happy place when Megan asked me to step into the shower to rinse off. (I was really tempted to ask her to wipe the scrub off as I was sooooooo relaxed and just wanted to lay there). LOVED IT! the scrub exfoliated all my dry and ashy spots, i even had some left over to put on my face and my skin was glowing and felt like buttah,
Massage was really good, she found knots I did not know existed and slowly kneaded them into oblivion. I really could have spent another hour there, it was so nice! Showers and facilities are really clean, not as many tolietries and amentities as QUA but a very nice experience!