| - This street goes from ghetto, to somewhat less ghetto, to high end shopping, to low end shopping, to red light district, to shopping, to ghetto, to arts, to ghetto, to some unknown stretch! Between one end to the other there are a bunch of restaurants scattered around.
One night I was walking down the street with a friend and one of the guys working the strip club doors ran up to us to ask us to go up to their strip club. A guy working a couple of doors down at another strip club ran up to us and told us to skip the other guys club because all the girls have crabs. I burst out laughing but my friend...she was grossed out and ran off.
You'll find the same type of stretches on most big city main streets like pan handlers, sketchy people, restaurants and shopping and Rue Sainte-Catherine is no different but you won't get anything like what I mentioned above!