So anyone who has read any of my reviews should know that I am a excellent cook and it is really hard for me to find food in restaurants that really excites me. Of course Nan's is in this category. We went for Fathers day Sunday Brunch and the staff was great. The buffet was the only thing available and the selection was excellent. The taste left much to be desired. The line started with muffins and Danish which were fine but not homemade. Next was a seafood tower with excellent shrimp oysters and crab legs wonderful cocktail sauce( mines better) and two salads. Dressings were nothing special and the Caesar was a little too creamy for my taste. Next was potatoes and eggs. The potatoes were under cooked and eggs over but hey it's a Buffett. Grutss were good bacon and sausage were there and that famous meatloaf was too herbal for me . I need to go back and order from the menu