This is hard to share but I'm done being taken advantage of Sky Zone. I really enjoy trampolining alone for fun and personal expression but I swear if I get bullied anymore by Kayden and his jumping gang "The Air Buds" one more time I'm gonna have to say something to management.
I'm just a 38-year old man trying to mind my own business and enjoy trampin'. I even started wearing headphones to give off the vibe that I wanted to be left alone while honing my craft but apparently to a gang of 10-year olds that means nothing, like my feelings. I've seen the snapchats of me being assaulted. It's upsetting.
Also there's clearly a designated area for dodgeball, but that didn't stop "K-Dog" as his goons call him from throwing them at me while I was eating my packed lunch in the snack bar area, or following me out to the parking lot and pelting me with them as I was trying to leave.
I just want to jump like the Van Halen song says, Sky Zone, but all I end up doing is running.
See you Tuesday, same time as usual.