Okay, after reading the reviews...I am blown away to see that people expect a doctor at a private practice to have no wait time. Yes, the wait can be a little extensive and I always had my toddler (20 months) with me; however, if it was a long wait one of the girls in the office would come and grab her and keep her entertained or give her a lollipop. I know all of the girls and adore every one...which is something I have never been able to say about a doctor's office. Before this last pregnancy I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. Dr. Tabassi knew I was upset by it and helped ease my mind by finding out what the cause was. She ran a coagulation panel and found out I have some clotting factors that may need to be treated if I conceived again. Once I became pregnant with my most recent daughter she checked my HCG and Progesterone levels consistently to make sure everything was stable. I owe the success of this pregnancy to her caring enough to want to help me have another child. My doctors from my first delivery treated me like I was just a number and I was determined to find a doctor who knew who I was and treated me like a human being. Even her new nurse practitioner, Kim, made me feel like I could be just as comfortable. I had a lot going on during this last pregnancy...relationship issues and elevated stress but Dr. Tabassi made me feel like no matter what I was going through I was going to be okay. I trust her with my life...literally. I had no fear of delivery this time around because I knew she would be the one delivering me. Sure, my labor didn't go as planned and lasted much longer than I would have liked, but those things are out of our hands. After I progressed and was ready to push Dr. Tabassi helped me breathe and ease through it...my epidural had stopped working long before I was ready to deliver and still she helped me ease through it with no pain medications. She placed my daughter right on my chest after she was delivered and allowed us those first few moments while she eased my placenta out. The only reason I mention this is because with my first delivery the doctor handed my daughter off right away to the nurses, I didn't hold her before they cleaned her...which is a vital moment to bond with your child. During my first delivery the doctor also made me push out my placenta while a nurse was abruptly pushing on my abdomen...followed by sutures that were rushed and aggressively placed. It was a horrible experience and I would never wish it upon anyone. Dr. Tabassi talked to myself and my husband like we matter and made sure she was the one to deliver our daughter. If I ever have more children and am in Las Vegas I will absolutely go back to her. I highly recommend her to anyone ready to have children.