I ordered the Margherita pizza with mushrooms. I thought the sauce and the fresh mozzarella were both excellent quality and had good proportions. The mushrooms were also perfectly cooked and were nicely distributed over the pizza. I also appreciated that the pizza wasn't overly oily, like I find so many Margheritas tend to be. On the negative side, I thought the crust was extremely doughy. It was thin enough in the middle of the pizza so the doughiness wasn't as noticable, but the outer crust was super thick and doughy. The crust didn't have much flavor and was not the crisp chewy crust you'd expect to find with a Marghertia pizza. It was also on the salty side. Further, I wasn't quite sure, but the overall pizza was extremely salty. Nothing besides the crust tasted overly salted alone, so I'm guessing too much sea salt was sprinkled over the pizza.
Aside from the food, our waitress was also very standoffish which was annoying.