Check in was easy
Check out was easy
No hidden fees
Somewhat friendly agent
Car drove smoothly
150$ security deposit was returned within 3 business days
Cheap prices!
Car had some scratches on it.
Agent was friendly, but had a bit of an attitude.
If we had not checked the car before leaving, the guy would have probably charged us for damages we didn't do, since the areas were not checked on the paper the guy gives you before leaving the lot (SO PLEASE DO THIS AT THE AREA RIGHT BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT).
Agents are most likely paid on commission, and will try to sell you stuff you don't need/want, so be aware! (Agent told us to upgrade since we wouldn't have cruise control with the model we reserved, we did NOT upgrade...when we got onto the lot to choose the car, ours had cruise control!)
We will be renting a car from Fox again! Just be aware of what insurance you have, etc. so you don't pay for extras you don't really need!