As in the staff infected me with sexism. Alright ladies and gentlemen I've got my soap box out so buckle up. I walk into ModernWax to a drab frumpy environment and I am greeted my a drab frumpy receptionist that acted like it was an annoyance for a man to walk into her store. After asking for a price list I quickly scan down the prices for male waxing and notice under "bikini and buttocks" there is a NA on the price sheet, as in these services aren't available for men. Here is the preachy part. How dare ModernBodyWax discriminate against men and their waxing needs. These are supposed to be skin care professionals and I'm sorry but if a "professional" isn't willing to look at all of my skin, they deserve to look at none of my skin. Just like the all boys clubs of old, these sexist girls clubs are a dying hub of intolerance that should just die already. Taking a look at their retail and I notice they carry NuSkin products. I used to work at the NuSkin call center and I can guarantee that stuff is crap. Also it's like walking into a Neiman Marcus and seeing a stand for Mary Kay, the two just don't belong. Final word: I walked out before I let them touch me so they wouldn't have to get their hypocritical intolerant hands dirty with my expendable income. Go some where else.