Absolutely ridiculous!!!! For 2 days I had your representatives knocking and ringing my bell nonstop!!! The first time my 15yr old son told the girl we were not interested!!! So apparently that wasn't good enough and she decided to return later in the day to ring and knock nonstop! Mind you I have a NO SOLICITING sign!!!! The next day she returned yet again!!! Finally this time I opened the door and explained I already have a company and we were not interested to which she kept pushing wanting to know who I use, how much they charge!?!? Again none of your business!!! Look I understand you have permits to go around and knock but when a homeowner has a no soliciting sign and proceeds to tell you they are not interested, you do not send them back a second and third time! I found this to be extremely rude and I will not do business with a company like this!