So I pre-ordered three drinks. I paid for the drinks and went to meet my nephew next door so I could pay for his poke bowl. As I walk away the drinks fall and spill on the floor. As the owner is mopping the floor he tells me he has to charge me to make the drinks. I said that will be fine.
I feel stupid for dropping the drinks so I look at the trash can and noticed that the handle on the plastic bag with my drinks broke. So when I go to pay for the drinks that I dropped, I tell the owner that the handle on the bag broke and if he could make sure he New drinks are secure. The owner LAUGHS. The owner is rude and obnoxious. There is no "ALOHA" at this place. QQ BOBA will not be receiving anymore of my business!
So I just read the owners response to my review and he stated he will be posting a picture of me carrying the bag with two fingers. I say go ahead! I paid for the new drinks. I had no problem with that! What upset me about the owner was he laughed when I asked him to make sure that the bag with the new drinks was secure and he laughed. Way to go Robert. No Aloha at QQ Boba!