this place is absolute garbage.
i have no idea what to expect out of LV strip clubs but, this place is a joke.
if youre not the ugliest person on earth you are better off finding chics to entertain you elsewhere.
by all means, if you *are* into braindead high school dropouts on possible drugs with fake breasts THEN this place is perfect for you (of course a generalization)
how this place still exists goes way over my head.
disclaimer: my review is about Wednesday night
the parking lot looks packed. $22 cover per person (apparently they seem to offer free limo and admission?)
small place is packed with people sitting around. few "premier strippers" giving lapdances in full view of everyone else. security walking around. usually have table minimums of $400 from what i understand. drinks are $9 red bulls $9 coronas and up. hell with the overpriced drinks - this is vegas after all.
ok, now the best part: i would hardly call what the girls on stage are doing "dancing". sometimes a girl on the side stage just stands there. there is no actual entertainment a person who hasn't drank 10 shots could possibly get out of them. a girl will come up to you every 15-30 minutes and offer to give you a lap dance. these dances cost anywhere from $10 a song to $20 a song. sometimes a girl has the nerve to demand tips on top of that. it's all only topless so you are paying crazy money to see women's breasts.
if somehow you get dragged into their "vip" area some kind of magical shit goes on in the back there for 400/500 an hour. $100 for quick fun? who freaking knows i think the girls make up whatever shit they want to.
quick summary: if you get drunk there you are screwed. your wallet will be empty and if you happen to use a credit card i'm sure when you wake up the bill would be close to $5000. if you are not wasted you're overpaying for the night's entertainment to see breasts (possibly more).
for all those people who would think i'm just "cheap" or don't understand the "vegas culture" or something i tell you.. with the amount of money wasted at this joint you are better off having 5 escorts in your room. it'll prob wind up costing the same anyways. alternatively, you can get a pretty girl to massage you naked for 24 hrs.
ps: portland strip clubs are 2x - 10x better