I travel quite a bit but can't stand chain restaurants. Pho makes a good substitute in the sense that it's generally a known quantity. Every city has a few Vietnamese places and you'll rarely end up with a bad bowl. But it's not often you end up with that PERFECT bowl. So when following the advice of fellow Yelpers led me to Superior Pho, I was in for a treat.
Finding the place is fun and a minor adventure, as it's in an umarked passageway past the bathrooms of a soul food place in the front of a non descript building on Superior at 30th. But when you get there you'll see that it's hardly a secret - the place was packed even in the middle of a Sunday afternoon, mostly with Vietnamese, a sure sign that it's going to be good.
There's dozens of types of Pho. I ordered one with a couple types of beef. As another reviewer stated, it's all about the broth in Pho. And they have nailed it. It's really perfect. But this bowl also made me appreciate the beef. It wasn't fatty scraps, but actually tender pieces. Nothing cheap about it except the price. I had a coconut juice side by side and have to say this is probably the best Pho I've had anywhere. Don't miss the chance to discover it.