You know the drill. You are out with your crew. You want to go some place chill. Wearing shorts and flip flops. You don't really want to douche it up with your jeans, nice shoes and your black (or white) v neck.
DJ's is the place to go. Drinks are cheap and strong. On most nights, there is some sort of a drink special, and you are in a good place if you want to have a good night out, without spending a ton of dough.
I would rate this one of the better dive bars in Scottsdale, because it's not as grody as places like Gilligin's (but I love Gilligin's, so whatevs).
The outside patio is nice too, provided that it's not too hot. Make sure you sit by the railing though, because this is where the magic happens. You can see the hot messes walking around Scottsdale from places like Shotgun Betty's and Revolver.
Who knows? Maybe you will get lucky and make a new friend for the evening?'ll strike jackpot and get the herp from a Scottsdale bottle rat that was denied entry somewhere because her tan was too orange.
Whatever the case, this is a fun place to chill, catch up with friends and have a good time.