These guys offer a six month warranty on all mods and batteries. Well not even a week after I bought my mod it started to capitulate. I took the mod back as it was rendered mostly useless. Well the lone man working was very rude and was in no way helpful. He played around with it and said to come back in two days when another employee might be there who knows more about that mod. I couldn't make it there because I work and go to school. Well I made it up there today after I called and spoke to someone the day before about the issue. Low and behold it's the same fellow that tried to berate me before. He placed a phone call to what had to be his manager. During this time he proceeded to pace in the back room and speak at an decibel level he knew I would hear. They as a company need to understand they are ordering these things from China. Chinese products have never been known to be reliable. With that being said they break. For him to sit there and tell me "well it must be something you did, or one guy on the internet means nothing". I researched this product when the problems first started to try and avoid getting a replacememt. Reading hours of reliable info from e cig forums and reddit. I've been using e cigs for over a year now. It's as if his only goal was to make customers feel awkward and angry about it. I will never be back here even though it's the closest one to my house.