After trying in vain to get a drink at the Rusty Spur, we found our way to Pattie's and I'm glad we did. There was enough room for our fairly large group to break off into several groups:
1) Those who want to sit at the bar and visit in a group
2) Those who want to sit at a table and gossip with one other person
3) Those who don't want to talk and just want to play games and have fun.
The bartenders were helpful and fun, and the drinks were made quickly and properly and weren't too expensive. The volume and the speed of the place was just right for us. We all had fun, and I'm not the list bit ashamed to say Bella and Jennie and I closed the place down. We left when they turned on the lights, so I think it's safe to say I had a good time at Pattie's.