| - I have lived in 6 states and had to deal with utility companies galore. NEVER in all the years, all the states, all the homes and apartments have I EVER had to deal with such a dishonest, horrendous, deplorable company like this monopoly we've got right here in Scottsdale. Keeping in mind that we keep our thermostat around 78 AT THE COLDEST, our bill this month was $680. No, I'm not joking. We are still farily new to the state, and I was expecting a large summer bill, but OMG. I don't live in a 5,000 sq. ft. palace or anything.
Upon inspection of the bill, I realized that just HALF of my bill is for actual electricity. The rest of that bill is for a whole bunch of made up charges. Now, don't get me wrong. We live in a capitalist society and I have no problem with the utilities lining their pockets and their shareholders' pockets a little on my dime. I get it. I'm not a neophyte to planet Earth, but to have HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS in invented fees is disgraceful. I cannot believe this company is allowed to operate like this. I am *this close* to lodging a formal complaint with the oversight committees to look into this aggressive monopoly. SHAMEFUL, APS. JUST SHAMEFUL!!!