Please be careful when selecting gyms you'd like to attend and pay for. My 17 year old nephew signed up for this gym. He lives in pahrump but he was okay with attending only a few times a month. Yesterday was his last day at the gym due to unprofessionalism and lack of genuine care. There was a sparring match between my nephew and a coach. The coach was upset because he couldn't stand toe to toe with my nephew. He then told my nephew to stand still for him to get some hits in. Who in their right mind would stand still in a sparring match. Besides this, he then became very unprofessional after the sparring match by criticizing my nephews technique and questioning who he was and how he was so good. He told my nephew, I don't believe your 17 and I don't believe your self taught, for all we know you train at other gyms. My nephew pays monthly just like everyone else and should not be treated as such! He was made uncomfortable and didn't understand why someone who should be uplifting is knocking him down. Out of everything that was said, which I will not put word for word verbatim, I can clearly tell with the look and sound of my nephews voice, he was bullied. The coach bullied my nephew because he was being egotistical and emotional that a 17 year old kid showed him out on the mat. If anything, you should be proud of someone who is so young, dedicated and self taught. This just proves how good he really is. Please be careful when selecting gyms because I do not want any other person going through this as this is not acceptable. Any form of bully no matter where or how old, is NOT acceptable.