I am a 60-year-old male who has been fairly fit for most of my adult life. 5 years ago I had a partial shoulder replacement due to a snow skiing accident I had in my 20's. I have done a lot of physical therapy to re-mediate my shoulder but just wasn't satisfied with my results. I started working with Ron Kennedy as my personal trainer so I could make further progress with my shoulder. Ron was able to design a program that fit my limitations and improved not only my range of motion but strength as well. Overall I made significant gains that others noticed. What finally brought it home to me as to how well Ron had done was when, I was foolishly trying to carry a printer and other items down a stone staircase. I lost my footing, tumbled down the stairs and ended up on my back. My first thought was that I was screwed. My neck, my back and my shoulder were surely going to be completely messed up! Not so. I was sore but there was no damage, nothing out of place. For the next 2 days I waited to see when the other shoe was going to drop. It never did. What Ron had done was strengthen my core and over all musculature to the point that when I fell the strength of my muscles protected me in the fall. Amazing!! I am an old (kind of) man and that stuff just doesn't happen. Ron Kennedy is a talented, intuitive and competent professional. The value you get from him is way above and beyond your normal trainer. He is well worth the price of admission!