| - While I acknowledge I got there at 5:05 am - 5 minutes after they were set to close, the complete lack of compassion of the people I encountered was quite surprising. Here I am, 5 months pregnant with a sick toddler still in his PJs, in an obvious rush to make it in the doors by 5 a.m. The lobby is completely empty and the front door unlocked when I arrive. I hear someone in the back say "that's not someone new, is it?" and another voice responded "no, probably just someone leaving." Next thing I know I see the people who own the voices I heard - one looks like one of the doctors or nurses and the other like the person who runs the front desk area. All I get is "sorry, we're closed." With the fact that I didn't make it in time sinking in, near tears (I blame the pregnancy hormones) I explain that I had a difficult time finding them in the strip mall where they are located and got stuck at a light. This time I get one word - "sorry." I look up to see faces of stone. Nothing. Neither of the ladies offered any suggestion on where else I might be able to take my sick child to be seen by a doctor, which we were obviously in need of since we'd come to their urgent care for that very reason. I say, "you guys don't open again until 9 pm, right?" I get a short reply, "5 pm." I then ask if they know when Phoenix Children's urgent care opens. Absolute silence. I know this is technically a competitor, but if you care about kids, wouldn't you want to ensure a sick child gets the care he needs irrespective of whether it comes from your company or another? I was so frustrated when I left that I did start to cry a bit as I buckled my son back into his car seat and made my way home to wait the 7 hours until the next pediatric urgent care opened. On the drive home I tried to see the positive side of my encounter- maybe it was a good thing that we were too late to be seen since I wouldn't want such uncaring people to treat my son anyway.