me likey Costco!
I recently found out that we spent almost 4K there last year alone! Holy cow! What the hell did we buy?? Okay, actually it was the furniture and the bed and tires and food and the list goes on... so I recently upgraded to Executive to see if that pays off with a year-end percentage cash-back of this year's spending (fingers crossed!)... yeah, I know that means I would have to spend more.. but it's nice that they carry a lot of what I buy regularly: Organic eggs and Organic produce, big ol crates of berries, TP, various environmentally-friendly household cleaners, etc... and gum! God knows I love my gum! They also now carry Wild Planet Albacore Tuna! Same can but waaay cheaper in bulk than Whole Foods - yay!
I find the best time to shop is .. there is no best time.. it is a busy place but since I'm not buying for an army (yet), I don't have a problem running in, grabbing my stuff (maybe do a little window shopping in the kitchen appliance or jewelry section) and getting out quickly using that cool little digital scanner checkout they have only at this place - yay!
Parking sucks.. be ready to walk... oh and receipt review line can be long, so don't put your receipt away too soon.