My wife was in need of a stylist since moving back to Las Vegas and she was having trouble finding someone who not only fit with her personality but was not charging sky rocket and unreasonable prices. She made a lot of calls to a lot of different salons but could not find what felt like the right fit. Seeing her frustrated I did what I do for practiacally everything when I need advice on something I went onto Yelp. Sure enough I found Holly Jackson! And thank God. I spoke with her on the phone and told her the story of my wifes challenges and she was absolutlely amazing on the phone with me. I set an appointment for my wife and she went a few days later. She loved Holly and even more, she loved her hair. Holly did an amazing job. Holly is truly a find if you are looking for an amazing stylist who wont charge you like you are a Hollywood mega movie star.
Thank you Holly for taking care of my wife for me! You are awesome.