I have a love/hate relationship with PA.
On one hand, it's tiny and cramped. I don't even bother trying to go in around meal times, it just isn't worth trying to contort myself between all the people shopping, as well as trying to stand in line for the cashes amongst the aisles while people trying to zoom through the line ups with their shopping carts. And when I do go outside of peak times, they are restocking and there are boxes everywhere.
On the other hand, PA is pretty awesome. The prices are excellent and they have a good selection of produce. The cost of produce is easily half to a third of what it costs at big box type grocery stores. They have good meat and cold cuts. They have weekly specials on odds and ends that are excellent value, little extras like cookies or hummus or fancy pasta. I once compared lemons I bought at PA to lemons I bought at Provigo for double the price: the PA lemons at half the price were double the size! The staff actually know how to pack a grocery bag, which is so important when you have to walk a few blocks home with it, and don't want to end up with crushed eggs and smushed bread.