I realize that it's a little odd for a vegetarian to be looking for something great to eat in a place called, "Burgatory," but they did have some great revues and some even said the veggie burger was really good. My opinion, total BS! Started with $7 onion rings which consisted of ONLY 4 rings! Not bad, kind of bland..but, $7 for 4 onion rings...don't waste your money! The regular chocolate shake wasn't bad..nothing to write home about..but, ok...the veggie burger...one of the most BLAND tasting burgers I've ever had. I know that most meat eaters have no idea on how much seasoning it takes to make seeds and mushrooms taste flavorful...and Burgatory proves my point. Between my wife and I, we dropped $48 on onion rings, 2 shakes and 2 burgers..Stay away from this one my Veggie friends!