| - Not that I know a whole lot about how to evaluate shooting ranges that accommodate groups of 10 dudes who want to shoot machine guns just for the heck of it, but all in all, I was very happy with this place.
I've been to another range in Vegas that had a much more slapped together feel than this place, so from that perspective, this place seemed a little more organized and professional. I guess that is a good thing when you are talking about shooting M-60s for fun. Unlike the other range I went to, this place has lots of regulars who practice their shooting here.
I cannot recall the name of a gentleman who helped us select our guns and arrange for our lines, but he did give us a great deal that was far cheaper than the published rate. Not sure if he did this because they always give a good deal, or because our group was 10 people...who will then each tell 10 more people what a great deal it was etc etc. Either way, we spent way less than we thought we would.
After waiting for a while for some lanes to open up, we got to select our three guns. I chose an old Thomson Machine Gun, and an M-60 (basically the largest one available). I asked the person helping us what he would recommend and without hesitation he chose the H&K54 because it was really loud and had a nice flame burst at the barrel when shot.
We each got to shoot 20-25 rounds of each gun and it only cost about $85 per person. The H&K WAS really loud and we got to shoot the M-60 from a lying position. It also had a laser scope which was pretty cool.
The location was great, only about 5 minutes from the strip. For those of you not used to being around guns (myself definitely included) it is a little unsettling at first because of all the guns and ammo walking around the place, but it never for a moment felt dangerous.