I'm very surprised I haven't actually reviewed this place yet...
I very much enjoy the dix-30, even in the middle of winter it's a lil taste of California. Not that i've ever been to California myself: my bf is Californian tho and I've watched enough TV to agree that this place definitely gives that California Dreamin' feelin'.
I love all the stores and parking and discovering the restos...I love that, despite being a huge dispersed outdoor mall, every single one of their stores enforced the no plastic bags rules and continues to do so. (Many other places that formerly did that now offer plastic bags again either with or without the 5cent charge).
I've seen other areas try and replicate this outdoor shopping experience and I find and none of them do it quite as beautifully as this place. Each season the decor around the blocks changes, there's always something new to see.
Will keep comin back: love this place! Only lament: avoid Friday evenings or gorgeous Saturdays because then it's packed fullllll of ppl who also love it lol (i.e. seriously hafta wait for someone to leave to get parking!)